zaterdag 13 februari 2010


"Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them."

"Some people are subject to a certain delicacy of passion, which makes them extremely sensible to all the accidents of life, and gives them a lively joy upon every prosperous event, as well as a piercing grief, when they meet with misfortunes and adversity."

"There is a delicacy of taste observable in some men, which very much resembles this delicacy of passion, and produces the same sensibility to beauty and deformity of every kind, as that does to prosperity and adversity, obligations and injuries. When you present a poem or a picture to a man possessed of this talent, the delicacy of his feeling makes him be sensibly touched with every part of it."

David Hume. (1711 - 1776)

(met dank aan P. Vandenberghe)